Fitness tips

If you want to gain muscle, you must first do these three things well: diet, training and rest.

First, diet.

Eat at least five meals a day to maintain energy intake. Priority is given to refined carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should account for 60% of our daily intake, mainly polished rice and refined flour. Second, choose high-quality protein, such as beef, mutton and salmon. Intake high-quality fat, such as high-quality olive oil, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, deep-sea fish oil, nuts, etc.

Fruit and vegetables. Eat more foods rich in vitamins.

Second training

Give priority to resistance training, with the main muscle groups of chest, back and legs as the main training objectives. Compound movements are the main training movements, such as squat, bench press and hard pull, which mainly stimulate hormone secretion in the body. In terms of weight selection, it is suggested that each group should do 6- 10 times to reach 80% of the maximum weight, and complete 16-20 movements as much as possible within 45 minutes.

It is suggested that novices should weigh more than 80% under the condition of standardized movements.

Third rest

Full-body stretching and relaxation training at least once a week. Stimulate muscle recovery to the greatest extent, prevent muscle fatigue and adhesion caused by heavy weight and heavy load intensity, and reduce sports injuries during training. Plus at least eight hours of sleep every day.

How to bid farewell to meat worship?

The formation of bye-bye meat is mainly due to the undeveloped triceps. And the body fat rate is too high. Therefore, the training of triceps brachii is given priority. For example, sitting on the arm, bending and stretching on the vertical arm, bending and stretching on the gantry arm, etc., cooperate with various fat-burning private teaching classes to bid farewell to meat worship quickly.

Technical essentials of running

① Move the hip (the center of gravity of the body) forward to the top of the body support point (the metatarsal ball of the foot) through free fall.

② When the body is in the key running posture, keep the shoulders, hips and ankles in the balanced position of posture running.

③ Always keep the knee joint bent, not completely straight.

④ Focus the weight on the metatarsal ball supporting the foot.

⑤ The process of changing leg support should be faster.

⑥ When pull-ups, pull your ankles directly from the ground to the bottom of your hips.

All landowners support time should be as short as possible.

8 Use gravity, not muscle strength, and don't push and shove with your feet. Lift your knees or use the quadriceps of your thighs to drive your body forward.

Pet-name ruby don't follow the ground with your feet. In the process of support, the heel only touches the ground slightly. Don't put the weight on the heel.

Attending when the heel of the supporting foot starts to leave the ground, the falling action begins.

When the swinging foot passes through the knee of the supporting leg, the falling action ends.

Don't try to speed up running by increasing the range of lower limb movements.

Don't focus on landing, but pay attention to pull-ups

In the process of falling, don't exert any force on the leg muscles at all, and let them fall freely.

Ankle should always be in a state of natural relaxation.

The purpose of swinging arm is to provide balance for leg movement.