What should a food calorimeter look like?

The conversion between them is: 1 calorie =4. 186 joules; 1 kcal = 1 kcal = 1000 kcal = 1000 calories =4 186 joules =4. 186 kj.

Generally speaking, an adult man needs about 9.25 to10900 joules every day; An adult woman needs about 7.98 to 8.82 million joules a day.

Contrary to common sense, the calorie consumption of primary school students is almost the same as that of adults, both of which are about 9.25 million joules.

In contrast, middle school students consume more calories. Among middle school students, boys need 10.465 MJ and girls need 10.046 MJ every day.

Average required heat? =4. 186 kJ? *24 hours *50 kg =5023.2 kJ.

Extended data food calorimeter is to measure the energy contained in each food according to the energy contained in the unit quantity (such as 100g), so as to calculate or arrange the total energy contained in the food eaten in each meal. The list thus obtained or listed is convenient for reference of diet and health care.

Unit conversion: Calories, kilocalories, kilocalories, calories and kilojoules are all thermal units.

Calories (calories for short) are defined as the heat required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius at 1 atmospheric pressure.

1 kcal is equal to 1000 kcal, which is about 4 186 joules. Calories, equivalent to kilocalories per kilogram of engineering units, are mostly used for nutrition measurement and fitness manuals.

Reference food calorimeter-Baidu Encyclopedia