How much is Jining fitness instructor training institution and how long will it take?

There are few training institutions for fitness instructors in Jining. If you want to learn fitness professionally, it's better to go to first-tier cities. Regarding the training fees of fitness instructors, different schools charge different fees. Judging from the current market charges, the tuition fee in first-tier cities is about 8,000-25,000 yuan, and that in second-and third-tier cities is about 6,000-15,000 yuan, which is reasonable. Fitness instructor is a kind of vocational training education with comprehensive skills. Admission is basically centralized training, including accommodation. The training duration is mainly 1-3 months, from meeting personal basic fitness needs (about 1 month) to professional coach certification training (about 3 months). There will also be about 4 months of courses, which will add more practical and practical content. In short, the fitness instructor will only teach later.

If you need to know more about the training of fitness instructors, please consult Li Yin Institute of Physical Education (with six campuses in Jiangsu, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Ningbo), and professionals will answer your questions in detail.