My brother has been keeping fit and losing weight for 3 months. From 2 15kg to the present 182kg, and it is still going on. So is the diet.

It is normal. It is normal for people who exercise regularly to rebound to 1 kg and 2 kg once they stop eating out of control.

My current slimming speed is 3 days 1 kg, which is very even, and I have lost more than 20 kg. Run twice a day for 50 minutes each time. One day I only ran 1 time and had dinner. As a result, I was shocked when I weighed 1 kg the next morning.

So it's normal for you to weigh 2 kilograms in two days.

As long as you stick to the plan most of the time and don't overeat, you can lose weight successfully. Take it easy. Don't eat too much salt, otherwise it will absorb a lot of water and lead to weight gain.