It turns out that the intake of carbohydrates is also particular.

Uncover the difference between carbonated water's advantages and disadvantages. It turns out that carbohydrate intake is also particular.

The difference between common carbohydrates

Fast carbohydrate: the human body absorbs fast carbohydrate food quickly, which will not cause satiety or satisfaction, thus making people eat more. Rice 1 16 kcal/100g, noodles 30 1 kcal/100g, bread 3 13 kcal/100g, cold rice noodles/kloc.

Slow carbohydrates (high-quality carbohydrates): slow carbohydrates, also known as high-quality carbohydrates, refer to complete carbohydrates that are unprocessed or have a small degree of processing. If digested in the human body for a long time, it will prolong satiety, get hungry slowly, and blood sugar will not suddenly soar. Potato 8 1 kcal/100g, sweet potato 86 kcal/100g, corn 1 12g, oat 337 kcal/100g, buckwheat 337 kcal/.

Inferior carbohydrate: refers to the mixture of sugar and oil, which has the characteristics of high carbon water and high fat, high calorie, or refined food, lacking nutrition. Eating regularly is easy to get fat, and you should touch it less during fat reduction. Stir-fried noodles/noodles 20 1 kcal/100g, cakes 348 kcal/100g, likes 426 kcal/100g, biscuits 502 kcal/100g and pizza 267 kcal/600g.