What are the advantages of a 24-hour unattended gym?

Seeing this problem, I just have some experience to share. Worked in a 24-hour gym for four years.

Since you are asking about advantages, I will share what I know with you.

Anyone who does 24-hour fitness in a smart shop will definitely have intelligent supporting facilities, such as access control, treadmill, locker, bath bracelet control and lighting voice control. These will definitely be there.

Shop design and decoration styles will be chained. Usually, chain brands will make unified planning and layout, equipment supply will be done according to their joining designation, and the site layout planning is also consistent. Logo location, color, these.

Compared with other Shangjian 24-hour stores, the staff cost is usually not too much, and the staff cost will be lower.

The course is systematic. There will be an online intelligent course in the 24-hour shop exercise. Even if there is no instructor, members can be arranged to attend courses of intelligent facilities.

The biggest advantage of time advantage is the freedom of exercise time. At present, the normal business hours in China are from 9 am to 22 am, and 24-hour fitness means that members can go to the store to exercise at any time, which will be the biggest selling point.

I wrote so much first without asking about other subjects! Hope to adopt