Why is playing table tennis good for your eyes?

If you use your eyes too much, playing table tennis is good for your eyesight. An important cause of myopia is eye fatigue. People who work in close proximity for a long time will suffer from visual fatigue because their lenses are always in a state of high adjustment. At the same time, when looking at nearby objects, the two eyeballs converge in the direction of the nasal root, so that the extraocular muscles press the eyeballs. Over time, the eye axis will gradually become longer, forming myopia. When playing table tennis, the eyes must keep a close eye on the fast ball that shuttles back and forth, flickering, approaching and spinning, so as to keep the eyeball running, enhance the blood circulation and improve the function of the eye meridians, thus eliminating or alleviating the fatigue of the eyes and preventing myopia. So playing table tennis can not only strengthen the body, but also protect the eyes.