How to do fitness muscle strain in winter?

Many people confuse muscle strain with muscle pain caused by lactic acid after muscle exercise.

If it's just muscle pain.

Then you can stop fitness activities for a few days or stick to continuous high-intensity fitness, and it won't be so troublesome when your muscles adapt to the intensity of exercise.

In addition, if it is confirmed that it is a muscle strain, then you should stop all fitness activities immediately.

Normal people may take the practice of rubbing safflower oil when they think of strain.

This practice is not advisable.

Because the symptoms of sprain and fall pain are different.

Massage with safflower oil may lead to more serious bleeding and swelling inside the strained muscle, which may have irreparable consequences.

Therefore, the correct way is to apply cold compress immediately to calm the strained muscle and relieve the muscle swelling and the accompanying inflammatory effect.

Doing so can effectively alleviate the pain of patients.

After the pain is relieved, experienced fitness enthusiasts can use manipulative compression posture to fix the strained part.

Those who have no injury experience should be sent to the hospital immediately, and the doctor will take care of them.

You must never handle things alone.