Fitness swallow

Because my schedule is six days a week, you must practice on Saturday.

Considering that you don't have dumbbells, the recommended movements may be difficult or incomplete.

My suggestion is to practice arms and thighs on the first day.

The arm is mainly deltoid, triceps brachii, biceps brachii, forearm and thigh are quadriceps femoris. If you feel more, you can adjust the deltoid schedule.

There are also backhand pull-ups (slow down the centrifugal contraction process and try to keep your elbow in front of your body when resting on the bar)

The upright spider bends down (probably not the name), bends over, grabs the horizontal bar of the door frame with one hand, and pulls himself over with the strength of biceps.

triceps muscle

Over-the-shoulder arm flexion and extension horizontal bar arm flexion and extension bench body support

Forearm static suspension

Practice your back and calves the next day.

Back teres major latissimus dorsi pull-ups, forehand and backhand rotator cuff muscles, trapezius muscles, reverse rowing (if there are bars), long-distance pull-ups and erector spinae stretching swallows.

I don't know the name of another movement in lift heel's high-frequency sprint.

On the third day, pectoralis major gluteus hamstring muscle

Chest push-ups, shoulder push-ups, up-and-down push-ups and chest muscle horizontal adduction, but you may not be able to do these.

Gluteal bridge of gluteal muscle and hamstring muscle

You can practice your abdominal muscles every day if you have time. There are horizontal bar belly roll, supine leg lift, chainsaw X belly roll and Russian twisted belly roll.

Deltoid muscle movements include folding knife push-ups and supine iron crosses (against the wall).