How did Neil, Buzz and Mike exercise on their way to the moon and back?

Worried about the influence of weightlessness on space travelers, NASA encourages astronauts to do more exercise every day during the flight. However, when the mission ended, neil armstrong, the first person who left footprints on the dusty lunar landscape, reported: "We do a little exercise almost every day."

According to colleague astronaut john glenn, the first man on the moon did not believe in exercise therapy. Glenn, who is keen on running, wrote in his memoirs that Armstrong has a set of sports theories that can make any TV fan proud. Armstrong said: "Everyone's heart beats so much that he doesn't want to waste any time doing something stupid, such as running on the road." There is no doubt that as a former naval pilot, Armstrong said in the report on the routine exercise after Apollo 1 1 flight: "You won't get so bad in three days (reaching the moon and returning to the moon)," Michael collins added. "I think it's worthwhile to exercise on the way home. Maybe it's not worthwhile to exercise on the way out." Obviously, trying to complete a successful task, mixed with the expected whirlwind, makes exercise a lower priority in the nine-day task. "At that time, I didn't fully understand how necessary it was." Jennifer Levasser, curator of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, said: "Exercise is to maintain the posture of the body, especially the muscle tension. We are just beginning to realize this. "

Muscle retention and tension disappear in weightless space. This kind of airborne trainer is designed to stretch and exercise muscles during Apollo 1 1 astronauts' mission in July, 1969. (NASM) Apollo's Landing on the Moon: A History of 50 Celestial Bodies This book shows a historic space exploration plan, which made man land on the moon, improved the world's space travel ability, and completely changed our understanding of human's position in the universe. Each historical site has different symbols, from Russian stamps commemorating the action images of yuri gagarin and plastic astronauts, to Apollo 1 1 manned module piloted by Michael collins, Armstrong and Aldrin's first landing on the moon, and the immortal art inspired by these missions to the moon.

Sometimes, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins do aerobic exercise, but they also use a device called Vulcan. This equidistant gizmo provides many ways to enhance strength. Before NASA made improvements to improve its practicability in Apollo mission, ready-made sports equipment had been used in Gemini mission. As a guideline, NASA told Apollo astronauts to exercise for 30 minutes several times a day. Teisseire Muir harmony, curator of space history at the museum, wrote in her new book "Apollo Landing on the Moon: A History of 50 Objects".

Apollo11"Exergenie" is now part of the cultural relics exhibited by the National Air and Space Museum to commemorate the 50th anniversary of historic flight.

The treaty is in line with NASA's ideas about the efficiency of space travel equipment. Lai Vasseur said: NASA employees "are always looking for ways to integrate all the requirements into one object in order to minimize the space and weight occupied by these things." Considering that the length of this device is 49.5/8 inches and the width is only 1.3 inches, it is easy to put in a locker. According to Muir harmony, "this training machine consists of an aluminum cylinder wrapped in a metal tube with nylon rope, which provides astronauts with an adjustable level and can carry out as many as 65,438+000 different trainings in space." . These include horizontal pressing, sit-ups, lateral bending, biceps bending and hamstring stretching. In order to install the machine on a narrow spaceship, "they tied two top straps together on the wall of the mand cabin, set resistance, and stretched them at different angles and positions with the bottom strap." "Armstrong reported that it was" working properly ",but when it was used hard, the handle really became too hot to handle," Collins said.

When it was used in other Apollo missions, this multi-purpose mechanism caused different reactions. According to Muir Harmony, 1968 10 In June, the crew of Apollo 7 found that Exer Genie could help relieve back pain when sleeping in a narrow space. However, in April of 1972, Ken Mattingly, the pilot of Apollo 16 manned module, thought that the crew's time could be used more effectively for other tasks.

Neil A. Armstrong, commander of Apollo 1 1, and Michael collins and Edwin Aldrin were about to be transported to launch site 39A for the first manned mission to the moon, and he waved to the well-wishers in the corridor of the manned spacecraft operation building. Levasseur pointed out that one of the problems of astronauts is that "they need to have enough footholds" to establish the necessary stability so that their muscles and equipment can work effectively. On a spaceship, the weight per ounce must be measured according to the necessity of the vehicle to rise into space, and it is difficult to find a surface where feet can be placed freely. The design of the spacecraft did not put this requirement on the agenda. This makes the use of "Exercise Wizard" more challenging.

196 1 provides a contract for future athletes and fitness enthusiasts, which is simple and easy to use and can replace weightlifting or aerobics. The major breakthrough of this product took place in August of 1968, nearly one year earlier than Apollo 1 1. At that time, it was published in a sports illustrated article, which called it a "seemingly harmless gadget". The article praised the executor of the convention: "Although the sports elf weighs only 1.5 pounds and can be easily put into a briefcase, it now plays an important role in the training plans of some first-class university swimming teams, professional football teams and baseball teams, not to mention that more and more non-athletes just want to have a good and fast exercise in their own homes.

To prepare for the lunar module, neil armstrong is in a training car on the earth. It aims to replicate the flight under the gravity of the Earth 1/6, and the decision to buy and use this product is "one of the examples where NASA uses the development of the business community to enable astronauts to complete their work," Levasseur said. NASA tried its own exercise method. Rita Rapp, who is in charge of Apollo astronauts' food, designed Gemini astronaut training earlier, and used elastic equipment to challenge muscles during the flight, which is not much different from the idea behind the "exercise guide". Later, NASA found a ready-made product that could meet the demand of challenging training without minimum storage requirements, so it decided to adopt it. The device now has a filling handle, which is still on sale today, and its manufacturer proudly draws attention to its use in space projects on its website.

Today, the impact of weightlessness is still an important issue in manned space missions, which will be a higher priority, because NASA looks forward to the next few decades and plans longer moon missions and possible trips to Mars. NASA recently released the results of many years' research on identical twin astronauts Scott and mark kelly.

Scott spent nearly a year on the International Space Station from March 20 15 to March 20 16, while his brother, then a retired astronaut, remained on the earth. Before, during and after the flight, the two brothers received physical examinations at the same time to measure their physical condition. Subsequent tests tracked how time on earth after Scott's flight affected the changes found during the flight. Scott chromosome, retina and carotid artery