How to do muscle warm-up (muscle stretching) before strength training!

Specific practices are as follows:

Stand up straight, with one leg back as far as possible, the sole of your foot on the ground, the leg behind you kept straight, the front leg bent, and the body kept vertical. Try to pull your arm back. Hold on for 8- 12 seconds, change legs and do it again.

People stand up straight, with one leg stretched forward and kept straight, the hind legs bent, the body slightly stretched forward, and the arms tightened in front. Hold on for 8- 12 seconds, change legs and do it again.

Stand up straight, lift one leg, grab the shoes with your hands and get as close to your hips as possible. Keep your hips balanced, your knees together, and your upright legs slightly bent. If you have trouble keeping your balance, you can hold the wall or chair. Hold on for 8- 12 seconds, change legs and do it again.

Generally speaking, the time required for a complete stretching exercise is about 10- 12 minutes. When you do this, you can open the joints and ligaments of your body. But it should be lengthened or shortened according to the temperature of the weather at that time. Feel the temperature rise, but keep breathing smoothly.

You can also stand on tiptoe more often. Others sit in a chair, lift their legs, then straighten them together and slowly lift their legs to the limit, which can stretch the ligaments.