What is the importance of conditioning the body during pregnancy and pregnancy?

1) Improve your diet: Learn to eat some foods you really need, that is, a balanced diet with at least three meals a day, which consists of four categories of foods that can provide vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body. For healthy pregnant women, the two most important nutrients are calcium and folic acid. Don't forget to drink milk, eat citrus fruits and juices, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, cereals with skins, fortified bread and cereals.

2) Achieve a healthy weight: Have you always wanted to be thinner? It is time! Pregnancy is the best time to approach the recommended weight. Start by choosing low-fat, high-fiber foods. It should be noted that a balanced diet should be combined with proper exercise, so that the weight can be safely reduced at a rate of 1-2 kg per week. If your weight is below normal, put on more meat! The researchers found that low-weight mothers tend to give birth to low-weight babies.

3) Start vitamin supplementation: Healthy people don't need vitamin supplementation if they have a balanced diet. Prenatal vitamin supplementation (or multi-purpose multivitamins) is to ensure that pregnant women get enough important vitamins and minerals. Among them, B vitamin folic acid, which prevents neural tube malformation during fetal development, ranks first.

4) Make (and stick to) an exercise plan: A good and balanced exercise plan can provide three important benefits: endurance, strength and flexibility, which you need to cope with the stress of your mother's life day after day. You should start exercising at least three months before pregnancy, which will make it easier for you to maintain an active lifestyle and make life easier during pregnancy. Fitness exercises include running, alternating walking, swimming, cycling and aerobic exercise. However, some of these exercises are quite intense and cannot be used in early pregnancy. All the above exercises, you should start slowly, don't make your body too tired.

5) Stop drinking, smoking and taking drugs: Many studies show that drinking, smoking and taking drugs are related to low birth weight infants, abortion, AIDS and postpartum dyskinesia.

6) Reduce the harm in the environment: Some jobs may be harmful to you and your baby. If you often stand regularly all day, fly for a long time, or come into contact with chemical or radioactive substances, you should consider making some work adjustments.

7) Stop using birth control pills If you have been using birth control pills, it is recommended that you stop using them for several months before pregnancy. Because it will take some time for your menstrual cycle to return to normal. If you get pregnant while taking birth control pills, please stop taking them immediately and tell your doctor that there is a small possibility (less than 0.5%) that it will damage the fetus.