Will women's fitness breasts get smaller?

The breast is mainly composed of glands and fat, while the female breast is covered with a membrane called "breast capsule", which is attached to the chest.

Near the top of the breast, there is a ligament composed of connective tissue, which allows the breast to attach to the breast capsule.

The female pectoralis major is located at the bottom of the breast, while the pectoralis minor is a smaller chest, located below the pectoralis major.

When you exercise, your pectoralis major and pectoralis minor actually exercise.

Moreover, because the breast contains adipose tissue, it is impossible to make the fat firm through exercise.

However, if the chest muscles can become more tense and powerful, they can better support your breasts and provide a solid appearance. (just like the roots of plants)

However, why does exercise make the chest smaller?

The fat in the chest is the same as anywhere else! It's all energy

Any kind of exercise will burn calories in the body. When you burn more calories than you take from food, you will lose weight.

We often say that fat metabolism is the whole body together! In other words, the breasts will also get smaller!

Many girls are shocked to hear this!

Actually don't worry! Breast is a woman's patent. Under the influence of physiological mechanism, breast fat is not easy to be consumed.

Miss bikini fitness has a low body fat rate, but she also has a proud upper circumference and no excess fat.

In the process of reducing fat, those annoying redundant auxiliary breasts will also disappear! If the bust becomes smaller in time, it will be more solid and straight!


If you want to lose weight while maintaining the upper circumference, you need to pay attention to the calorie consumption during exercise. Don't lose weight too fast! At the same time, weight training is also essential!