The whole body stretches like a bow. Strong flexion and meditation posture can increase vital capacity, eliminate airway obstruction and allow deep breathing.
Lie on the yoga mat, keep your thighs and hips width apart, bend your knees, hold your ankles and take a deep breath, lift your upper body and legs, keep your big toes crossed, keep your elbows straight, bow your back and raise your head slightly. Take a deep breath, exhale in this position and relax. Duration: Start holding 15-20 seconds. Do two groups. Slowly do this pose only once, but increase the holding time to 1 minute or more. Stay in this position as long as possible. The goddess squatted down. This is a powerful posture, which can strengthen the body. This pose can promote blood circulation and metabolism.
Stand up straight with your feet wider than your hips, turn your feet outwards, inhale at a 45-degree angle, put your hands up close to your ears, keep your elbows straight, and put your palms together. When you bend your knees and lower your body, exhale slowly and lower your hips until they are knee-high. Duration: Start holding 10-20 seconds. But when your strength increases, try to keep this posture 1 minute, and then gradually increase it to 2 minutes. When the bridge section deepens supine, bend your knees, land your feet, lift your hips, back and press your shoulders. This posture can tighten the hamstrings behind the hips and legs, improve blood flow and strengthen these muscles.
Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands on your sides, keep your feet off the ground and close to your hips, and exhale slowly. Lift your hips off the floor and keep your shoulders and neck pressed against the mat. Once your hips are high enough, bend your elbows, put your palms under your hips, bend your elbows under your shoulders and take a deep breath. Duration: If your body is stiff, put your hands on your sides and don't bend your elbows. Exhale, lift your hips and stay away from the mat. Repeat this action 8- 10 times, and then slowly start to maintain this posture. Hold for 10-20 seconds at first, and then gradually increase to 2 minutes. Camels camels create the flexibility of the spine. The front of the whole torso is stretched. Opening the neck activates the thyroid and promotes metabolism. Shoulders stretch well and pectoral muscles expand.
Stand with your knees as wide as your hips. Keep your toes bent inward and take a deep breath. When exhaling, bend your ankles backwards. Grab the ankles one by one and resume head exhalation. Push your hips forward as far as possible. Put your palms on your ankles and exhale slowly. Loosen your ankles, inhale slowly, land on your knees, and descend slowly. Put your hips on your heels, and stretch your torso and arms forward to get into Saranaga's fingerprints. Duration: 2-3 times, each time holding 10-30 seconds. Soldiers strengthen your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back. Make the whole body full of vitality.
Stand with your legs apart, with your left foot outward, your left knee bent 90 degrees, your right leg fully extended to the right, and your knee not bent. Your heel should be aligned, your arm should be extended upward, and it should be close to your ear to find and tighten your ass. Inhale and stretch the upper body backwards, and at the same time push the left foot to ensure that the sole of the foot is firmly pressed on the ground. Keeping this posture, breathing is concentrated in the heart area, which brings extra benefits to the thymus. Gradually withdraw from this position in the opposite order and repeat the side change. Duration: Hold the posture for 30 seconds to 1 min.