Urgent! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tips and advertising words! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Come on! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

1. (in the park) No climbing flowers and trees, no littering.

Rewritten as: bring nothing but memories and leave nothing but footprints.

No one speaks in the teaching building, and no one treats you as a mute.

Rewritten as: Give tranquility to others and keep civilization to yourself.

3. Listening to mp3 is harmful to hearing.

Rewritten as: Ear: "Keep your voice down, I need to be quiet."

4. Smoking is forbidden.

Rewritten as: exhaled smoke is harmful to people; Inhalation is poison, which harms others and yourself.

5, it is forbidden to trample on the grass.

Rewritten as: Cherishing life begins with a single step.

6. It is forbidden to steal or tear books.

Rewritten as: only take away all the knowledge and leave no regrets.

7. It is forbidden to waste food.

Rewritten as: a porridge and a meal are hard to come by.

8. No spitting, and offenders will be fined.

Rewritten as: excellent speeches are praised by everyone, and spitting is annoying.

9. It is forbidden to drink and drive.

Rewritten as: the driver drinks a glass of wine, and his relatives cry a thousand times.

10, driving safely, no violation.

Rewritten as: If you drive carefully, your family will be relieved.

1 1, saving water and not wasting.

Rewritten as: cherish the source of life and turn it off bit by bit.

12: Flush the toilet after defecation.

Rewritten as: come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

13, no drinking and making trouble.

Rewritten as: excessive drinking hurts the body, and bad words hurt feelings.

14, it is forbidden to kill animals, and offenders will be fined.

Rewritten as: animals are close friends of human beings, and human beings are trustworthy partners of animals.

15, super-life is prohibited.

Rewritten as: fewer but better students, a happy life.

16, graffiti is not allowed anywhere, and offenders will be severely punished.

Rewritten as: Take away good memories and leave a good heart.