How important is stretching in fitness? What is the significance of stretching to reduce fat?

Stretching exercise is also a kind of exercise, which can effectively make ligament muscles and joint tissues softer and slimmer. Stretching well in fitness can not only relax congested muscles, help discharge excess lactic acid, but also make the body soft and prevent injuries in subsequent actions, so it is very important.

Is stretching useful for reducing fat? For people with high body fat, due to long-term lack of exercise, ligament muscles and joints will be stiff and fragile, and greater weight will also put more pressure on joints and ligaments than ordinary people. So the flexibility of stretching exercise is especially important for people with high body fat. It can be used as an introductory exercise for people with heavy weight who have just started exercising.

In addition, most of the exercise belongs to stretching exercise after muscle contraction and muscle tension and excitement, which helps to relieve muscle fatigue and help muscle growth. Muscle growth can enhance the body's own basic metabolism, and long-term accumulation will definitely have positive significance for reducing fat.

And stretching is also a kind of exercise, as long as it is exercise, it will consume some heat. The stretching of some yoga movements, even very intense muscle training, with rhythmic breathing, a lot of carbon dioxide is excreted. It happens that the consumption of fat is also excreted through carbon dioxide. In a sense, stretching really helps to reduce fat.

Systematic exercise can exercise various functions of the body, and reducing fat is not the ultimate goal of exercise. When a person keeps fit scientifically for a long time, he will definitely get a more fit figure and a stronger body.