How to stretch the toe of deltoid muscle?

With the improvement of economic level, people began to pay attention to health. More and more people walk into the gym, but after we exercise every muscle, we need to stretch it, relax it and improve the elasticity and extensibility of the toe of deltoid muscle. How to stretch the toe of deltoid muscle? When the toe of deltoid muscle contracts centripetally, it can bend the shoulder, with downward resistance and upward resistance. In the process of resisting upward resistance, complete the movement, posture and posture of the big arm extending over the shoulder joint, find a fixture, turn your back to the fixture, stand naturally, open your feet, point your toes forward, align your knee joint with the toe direction, keep your abdomen and pelvis neutral, press your shoulder blades back, slightly retract your jaw, look straight ahead, reach out and grasp the fixture, slightly bend your knee joint, and slowly stretch down, making a shoulder extension and stretching. Stretching after exercise is to relax muscles and relieve pain the next day. If the stretching method is not correct, it will have a bad effect, and stretching can also make muscles grow better and improve muscle flexibility. Stretching is painful, but stretching in place can have beautiful lines. For the sake of your good figure, you should stretch after exercise.