This is because the central nervous system controls the coordination of muscles, tendons and bones throughout the body. Muscles and tendons can be soft and weak, or they can become hard and powerful. This is the power of the central nervous system to control local nerves and the coordination of the whole nervous system. When skating, those with good coordination will not fall; And poor coordination, a certain part of the body out of control or slow response, it will be thrown out. In fact, physical exercise is the same, such as weightlifting, which is the ability of the central nervous system to control the nerves, muscles, tendons and bones of hands, arms and shoulders, as well as the ability to control the muscles and tendons at the waist of both legs at the same time to make them full of strength!
Regular exercise will enhance the reflex ability and speed of muscles, tendons, bones and nervous system, greatly enhance the coordination ability of muscles all over the body and the reflex speed of' nerve endings' to' central nervous system'. Speed depends on the ability of "central nerve" to control "peripheral nerve". Whoever punches fast and moves fast in a fight will win, and so will sharpshooters, all of whom have the ability of' instantaneous concentration'. The more concentration, the greater the strength, the more concentration and the faster the speed.
Muscles, tendons and bones will grow bit by bit with daily exercise, such as muscles. If you exercise your arm strength every day, your arm muscles will increase little by little, and the strength borne by your tendons will also increase little by little. These increased parts are transformed from' digested food' little by little. As long as you keep exercising every day, your strength will naturally increase little by little, so you don't have to rush for success, do your current job well, and your strength will increase while teaching others.
Exercise, exercise flexibly according to your own preferences, and there is no need to rigidly stipulate what exercise you must do. You can play with any sports equipment you want and enjoy sports.
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