How does grandzheftauto get rid of jurors?

Before the plot, there was an armed country at the intersection of Lindsay Ring Road. Now we buy enough ammunition there, especially sniper rifles. First, drive to the fitness equipment near the muscle beach, where there will be a naked muscle man. He will rush to hand-to-hand combat and directly pull out his pistol and kill him. Then get on the bus and go north to Paperin Hotel and the coast near Taiping Cliff. At sea, you will see a sailboat. There was a man and a woman on the sailboat, and the man was killed by a sniper rifle. Then, you will feel the eclipse road medical building in Xihao House as soon as possible. Go to the center of the T-junction, take out a sniper rifle, aim at the cleaner on the window cleaner on the glass outer wall on the right side of the medical building, and kill it. It is recommended to consult the relevant game big coffee. Although the game is fun, don't indulge in it. Please arrange your time reasonably.