What specific exercise methods do disabled people with amputated arms have?

According to the classification of limb disability, any amputation and reconstruction will produce certain complications. Amputation and replantation often lead to muscle atrophy, contracture and joint stiffness. Therefore, muscle strength should be exercised according to these conditions after operation, including some active and passive resistance exercises, joint range of motion exercises and so on. Hand amputation is generally not equipped with artificial limbs, and the amputated side needs to be compensated with the healthy side. The exercise forms used here are generally some fine exercises, including basic self-care ability, such as washing, going to the toilet, eating, dressing, housework exercises and other exercises closely related to daily life. ? Amputation often leads to shoulder and elbow contracture and muscle atrophy. Therefore, we should actively apply sports to practice hand muscle strength and joint flexibility. Patients who have just amputated should not exercise with heavy load and strong antagonism. We can use high-tech means such as the current upper limb rehabilitation training instrument to make the machine drive the arm to do passive exercise. However, after amputation, due to the extensive use of healthy limbs, the muscle strength of both sides is asymmetric, so we should pay attention to the balanced development of both sides in practice.