This card is for personal use only and cannot be lent or altered.

This card is for personal use only and cannot be lent or altered. What do you mean this card is for personal use only and cannot be lent or altered?

This credit card is for personal use only and cannot be lent or altered.

This card is for personal use only. Please don't borrow it.

My own translation is: What do you mean? Translated as follows.

For my own use only.

For your own use only

I just applied for a fitness card for a week. On the back of the card, it says: This card is for my own use only and cannot be lent. Can I return it? It depends on how your card purchase contract is stipulated. If the gym does not breach the contract, it is generally impossible to return it.

What does it mean to eat with coupons? The translation of dining by voucher is a voucher, which can only be used by one person.

Grant registration, which translates as: What do you mean, grant registration and issue this certificate?

This certificate is hereby issued to approve the application for registration.

Registration is granted, and the translation of this certificate is:

Registration is granted and this certificate is hereby issued.

What does it mean to reissue the marriage certificate if it is lost? The translation of this certificate is that the marriage certificate is lost, so please get it back quickly.

The marriage certificate is damaged and reissued. What does it mean to reissue the marriage certificate if it is damaged?

If the marriage certificate is damaged, please reissue it.

Issue this certificate as an encouragement. What do you mean? Career statement: I hereby issue a certificate for encouragement.

Note: Hereby (Hereby)

Currently (issued; Grant)

This certificate is specially awarded to the owner to encourage him or her to do more for his or her field.