Is belly dancing the same as Indian dancing?


Belly dance originated in Egypt, spread in the Arab region and influenced by the cultures of various Arab countries.

Modern belly dance styles are popular, including Egyptian style, Turkish style and American style, which can be subdivided into a tribal style. As for the Indian style, I think it has not fully formed a genre compared with other styles, and it can only be said that it has absorbed some gestures in Indian dance.

The Indian dance we are talking about now is not a pure Indian dance, but an Indian dance influenced by many modern dances.

Why do many people think that belly dancing is Indian dance now? A big reason is that belly dancing was originally promoted in the gym. There are many aerobics coaches in the early stage. Indian dance music that has been cheerful music for a long time ~ ~ ~

As for the style and genre, everyone has different opinions. I think Indian dance is very different from belly dance. Belly dance and India are definitely not those in general gyms.