Bodybuilding muscles and explosive muscles are similar in practice movements, both of which are aimed at a certain muscle group, but the difference is the small details of the movements. As mentioned above, bodybuilding muscles need relatively large weight and slow speed, and generally do not relax after a group of exercises.
Make a contrast: bodybuilding type do push-ups: the speed of getting up and down is slow; Explosively do push-ups: you can slow down when you get down, and you should grasp it when you get up (you can clap your hands).
In short, the muscle size of the gym is inversely proportional to the flexibility, so when practicing strength, we must not ignore the flexibility exercise. Don't stay in the equipment area all the time, but also go to the jumping area (jumping exercises can train coordination), warm up before strength exercises, press down the ligaments after exercises, do stretching exercises, remember to relax, and supplement some protein food after half an hour.