What are the names of all muscles? The name of the local muscle

Skeletal muscle is the dynamic organ of the exercise system, which is widely distributed in all parts of the human body. Under the command of the nervous system, complete the autonomous movement.

1. Morphological structure of muscle

Muscles can be divided into four types according to morphology: long muscle, short muscle, platysma muscle and orbicularis oris muscle.

Each muscle can be divided into two parts according to its tissue structure: muscle block and tendon. Muscle mass is located in the center of muscle, which is composed of muscle cells and has contraction function; Tendon is located at both ends, which is the attachment site and consists of dense connective tissue. Each muscle is usually attached to the bone surface across joints, or one end is attached to the bone surface and the other end is attached to the skin. Generally, the fixed end of muscle is called the starting point, and the movable end is called the dead point.

2. Auxiliary structure of muscle The auxiliary structure of muscle mainly includes fascia, synovial sac and tendon sheath, which is the structure of connectivetissue around muscle and has the function of protecting muscle and assisting muscle movement.

3. The main muscles of all parts of the body The muscles of the whole body can be divided into head and neck muscles, trunk muscles and limb muscles.

(1) Head and neck muscles: Head and neck muscles can be divided into head muscles and neck muscles.

Head muscles can be divided into expression muscles and masticatory muscles. The expression muscles are located under the skin of the head and face, mostly in the skull and stop at the skin of the face. Muscle contraction will affect the skin and produce various expressions. Masticatory muscle is the muscle that moves the mandible, including superficial temporal muscle and masseter muscle, deep medial pterygoid muscle and lateral pterygoid muscle.

(2) Trunk muscles: Trunk muscles include back muscles, chest muscles, diaphragm muscles and abdominal muscles.

Dorsal muscles can be divided into superficial and deep layers. There are trapezius muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle in the superficial layer. There are many deep muscles, mainly sacrospinous muscles.

The pectoral muscle mainly includes pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and intercostal muscle. The diaphragm is located between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. It is a flat platysma muscle that extends into the thoracic cavity in a dome shape. It is the main respiratory muscle, which helps to inhale when contracting and exhale when relaxing.

Abdominal muscles are located between the lower part of the chest and the upper edge of the pelvis and participate in the composition of the abdominal wall. It can be divided into anterolateral group and posterolateral group. The anterolateral group includes rectus abdominis muscle on both sides of anterolateral midline and lateral platysma muscle. The three layers of platysma are oblique abdominal muscle, oblique abdominal muscle and transverse abdominal muscle in turn from shallow to deep. Quadratus lumborum is in the back group.

(3) Limb muscles: Limb muscles can be divided into upper limb muscles and lower limb muscles.

A. Upper limb muscles: Upper limb muscles have fine structure and dexterity, including shoulder muscles, arm muscles, forearm muscles and hand muscles. Shoulder muscles are distributed around the shoulder joint, which can protect and exercise the shoulder joint. The deltoid muscle is the most important. Arm muscles are long muscles and can be divided into two groups. The front group is flexor, including biceps brachii, brachialis and coracoid-brachialis; The latter group is extensor and triceps brachii. Forearm muscles are located around ulna and radius, mostly long prismatic muscles, which can be divided into anterior group and posterior group. The front group is flexor muscle group; The latter group is the extensor group. Hand muscles are located in the palm of your hand. Divided into lateral group, medial group and middle group.

B. Lower limb muscles: Lower limb muscles can be divided into hip muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles and foot muscles.

Hip muscles start from the trunk bone and pelvis, surround the hip joint and stop at the femur. They can be divided into two groups according to their parts. The internal muscles of the hip are located in the pelvis, mainly including iliopsoas, piriformis and obturator internus. The external gluteal muscles are located outside the pelvis,

There are gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and obturator internus external muscles.

The thigh muscles are divided into three groups: front, middle and back, which are located in front, middle and back of the thigh respectively.

The anterior group has quadriceps femoris and sartorius muscle. The medial group is located in the inner thigh, including pubic muscle, long adductor muscle, short adductor muscle, adductor muscle and gracilis muscle.

The posterior group includes the lateral biceps femoris and the medial semitendinosus and semimembranous muscles. Leg muscles can be divided into three groups: anterior, lateral and posterior. Foot muscles can be divided into dorsal muscles and plantar muscles.