Are frogs athletes and experts in catching pests?

Frogs crawl slowly, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to do with sports. In fact, a frog can jump a long distance with a light jump, which is 20 times its body length. This is extremely powerful for a small man!

Frog is not only an athlete who is good at jumping, but also a natural master of camouflage! Look, its belly is white, its head and back are yellow-green, and there are some dark brown stripes on its body. These colors, like the colors of grass in the grass, can be used as camouflage to protect themselves from the enemy.

Frog is an expert in catching pests, and its powerful ability depends on its long and wide tongue. The root of the tongue grows in front of the mouth, and the tip of the tongue branches backwards, with a lot of mucus on it. As long as a small flying insect flies by, it will suddenly jump up, quickly open its mouth and stick out its long tongue, and eat the pests at once.
