How to exercise 13 exercise mode

Directory method 1: Get ready to warm up at work 1, and put on appropriate clothes. 2. Wear the right shoes. Step 3 drink water. 4. Don't stretch. 5. Do warm-up exercises. 6. Please consult your doctor. Method 2: Aerobic exercise 1 to understand what aerobic exercise is. 2. Climb the stairs. Step 3 jump rope. 4. do a jump. 5. Take a walk or jog. Step 6 swim. 7. Ride a bike. Method 3: Anaerobic exercise 1 to understand what anaerobic exercise is. 2. Running. 3. Weightlifting. 4. Do push-ups. 5. Try squatting. 6. Do Bobby exercises. Method 4: Core muscle training 1. Understand what core muscle training is. 2. Try flat support. Step 3 do sit-ups. 4. Do sit-ups exercises. 5. Play bridge. Method 5: Balance exercise 1, try Tai Chi. 2. Move the center of gravity. 3. Try to keep balance with one leg. Method 6: Coordinate exercise 1, and try Pilates. 2. Try yoga. 3. Try dancing. 4. Do stretching exercises. Method 7: Busy people exercise 1, and they can exercise at any time. 2. Don't sit in the chair. 3. Stop using the elevator. 4. Don't drive. Method 8: Beginners plan 1 and take a walk or jog for 30 minutes. 2. Do 30 bridge exercises. 3. Make a flat for one minute. 4. Do 30 push-ups. 5. Do a five-minute jumping exercise. Method 9: Intermediate exercise plan 1, walking or jogging 1 hour. 2. Do 50 sit-ups. 3, do 3 minutes flat support. 4. Do 50 Bobby exercises. 5. Climb the stairs 15 minutes. Methods 10: advanced exercise plan 1, jogging or running 1 hour. 2. Do 100 sit-ups exercises. 3. Do flat support for 5 minutes. 4. Hold it for an hour. 5. Jump rope for 30 minutes. Methods 1 1: interval training method 1. Understand what interval training is. 2. Full speed ahead. 3. Apply interval exercise to the exercise you want to do. Methods 12: exercise for the elderly 1. Increase exercise time. 2. walk. 3. Do balance training. 4. Do collaborative training. 5. Do physical training. Exercise is a good way to have a healthier and stronger body. Exercise can make you relaxed and happy. But remember, you should use different exercise methods to ensure that your whole body gets the exercise you need. If you want to improve your quality of life through exercise, please read the following useful suggestions, tips and exercise arrangements for each stage and lifestyle.

Methods 1: Prepare for work and warm up.

Wear the right clothes. You need to wear loose clothes to avoid restricting your activities or blood flow. Don't wear too tight clothes, especially at your joints. At the same time, you need to penetrate the fabric, because you will sweat when you do different sports. Clothes specially designed for sports can be bought everywhere.

2. Wear the right shoes. Just because we call them tennis shoes doesn't mean they are good sports shoes. Shoes like converse absorb a little less impact, which is not good for your feet and bones. You should wear comfortable shoes suitable for the exercise you want to do.

Step 3 drink water. Drink enough water before exercise. Your body needs water to make your chicken exercise and help you sweat. If you are short of water before you start, think about what will happen after exercise!

4. Don't stretch. Don't stretch before exercise. Contrary to mainstream thinking, research has proved that stretching before exercise will not help you or make you perform better in sports. Stretching before exercise will be bad for you, because you are likely to strain or strain your muscles!

5. Do warm-up exercises. Although the research can't absolutely agree that warm-up exercise will help you perform better in the next exercise, all the studies show that warm-up exercise won't hurt you. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before exercise, and do the simple exercises to be done next. If you want to run, jog first. If you want to swim, swim slowly for a while.

6. Please consult your doctor. In some cases, it is best to check with your doctor before starting exercise. For every health condition, there is appropriate exercise. But it's best to know what to avoid first. Exercise should make you feel healthier in the future, not hurt you! If you have asthma, lung disease, arthritis, diabetes, liver and kidney disease or heart disease, please be sure to ask your doctor before starting a new exercise.

If you find some problems, you also need to ask the doctor. Including headache and dizziness after physical exertion, shortness of breath after a little physical exertion or at rest, or swelling of the ankle.

You can also talk to your doctor and ask them what exercise they recommend for your physical condition. You can consult nutritionists and coaches to ask more questions about exercise and how to best achieve your goals.

Method 2: Aerobic exercise

1, understand what aerobic exercise is. Aerobic exercise is often called "heart" exercise, because it aims to speed up the blood flow in the future. This kind of exercise is less intense, but it takes a long time.

2. Climb the stairs. Climbing stairs is a good way to raise your heart rate. You can climb the real stairs or use the stair machine in the gym. Climbing stairs will strengthen your leg and hip muscles. If you climb the real stairs, be careful not to fall and hurt yourself.

Step 3 jump rope. This is not a children's game, but a good exercise. This is an exercise that you can do at home. It can not only exercise your arms and legs, but also exercise your core muscles. This is also a good exercise to improve people's balance ability, and it is also good for people who want to exercise.

4. do a jump. The jumping action is to stand with your legs together, put your hands on both sides of your legs, then jump forward with your legs raised above your head. Jump again and go back to the beginning. This is good for raising your heart rate and burning fat.

5. Take a walk or jog. Walking or jogging is a good way to improve your heart rate. Although jogging is difficult for some people's knees, walking should be an exercise that everyone can do. Studies show that walking for an hour every day can help you maintain your weight for a long time and reduce the incidence of certain diseases, such as hypertension and obesity.

Step 6 swim. Swimming is an interesting and good sport. Different swimming styles will exercise different muscles. Swimming is often recommended for people with joint problems or overweight, because it can increase heart rate without damaging bones.

7. Ride a bike. Cycling is simple and environmentally friendly, and it is a very effective way to exercise. Riding a bike will exercise most of your muscles, raise your heart rate and take you anywhere! You can ride a bike outside, or buy a stationary bike to ride at home.

Method 3: Anaerobic exercise

1, understand what anaerobic exercise is. Anaerobic exercise is a high-intensity and short-term exercise. These exercises can help you strengthen your physical strength and help your body adapt to high-intensity exercise. Anaerobic exercise combined with a healthy diet can help you lose weight, because your body will increase calorie consumption. This exercise can burn more fat than aerobic exercise.

2. Running. Running is difficult for knees and bones, but it is still a good way to exercise. You can run nearby or on the treadmill in the gym. Remember, running is different from jogging: running is faster and harder!

3. Weightlifting. You can lift different weights in different ways, but doing this exercise will help you gain a lot of muscles and enhance your physical strength. Be sure to start small and light, because trying to lift heavy things will often hurt yourself.

4. Do push-ups. Push-ups are made by sticking your stomach to the ground. Put your feet, let your toes lie flat on the ground, and then put your hands flat on the ground, almost shoulder-width to your face. Then, straighten your back and legs completely, push your arms to the ground, and support your whole body with your hands and toes. Lower your body, keep your nose as close to the floor as possible, and then push yourself back. Say it again.

5. Try squatting. Squat is standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your back straight, your arms on your chest, and your body lowered as if you were sitting in a chair. Once you get to the sitting position, stand up slowly. This is a good way to exercise your core and leg muscles.

6. Do Bobby exercises. Bobby's practice (a common military training method) is to keep standing, then descend to squat, then turn to push-ups, then return to squat, and then raise your hand and jump back to standing. This is a full-body exercise.

Method 4: Core muscle training

1, understand what core muscle training is. Core training will strengthen your abdominal muscles. This has many advantages. With a stronger back, you will feel back pain and injury less easily, and it will also help you get rid of bad posture. If you lose weight at the same time, strong core muscles will make you have a flat belly.

2. Try flat support. Plate support may be the most effective core exercise. You can do this training for only a few minutes every day to strengthen your core muscles. Plate support is mainly through a push-up posture, but support your upper body with your forearm and keep it for as long as possible. If you have never done it, you will be surprised at how difficult it is.

3. Do sit-ups. Sit-ups are another good core exercise method. Lie face up, bend your knees, put your arms across your chest, and put your head close to the pelvic cavity. Lie down again and do it again.

4. Do sit-ups exercises. Sit-ups and sit-ups are very similar. You lie face up, but your knees are only slightly bent and your upper body is slowly raised into a sitting position. You can cross your arms on your chest and put your palms down on your thighs to dominate the whole action.

5. Play bridge. Bridge is a good core sport, because it will exercise the muscles of your hips and lower back. Lie flat, knees bent, arms flat on the ground, at your sides. Roll your back slowly, lift your hips until your shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line and your hips are parallel to your thighs, and then slowly return your hips to the starting position.

Method 5: Balanced exercise

1, try Tai Chi. Taiji is a martial art in China, which is practiced through continuous slow movements. Playing Tai Chi will enhance your sense of balance, but it can also make you very relaxed. Find a local Tai Chi group to practice together, or join an Artest Tai Chi class in a local gym or community center. You can also find tutorials or DVDs online and practice at home.

2. Move the center of gravity. Moving the center of gravity is a good exercise to start practicing balance. This requires you to stand with your feet apart and hip width apart. Then, move the whole body weight to one leg and gently lift the other leg. Hold this position and try to keep your balance for 30 seconds. Change the other leg. Can be repeated many times.

3. Try to keep balance with one leg. This is similar to the above method, the only difference is that the raised leg will bend to the knee. This kind of exercise will exercise your front and back balance ability, while the above one is more about practicing left and right balance ability. The two should be used in combination.

Method 6: Coordinated movement.

1, try pilates. Pilates is a series of forms and exercises, often using tools such as practice balls, dumbbells and resistance bands. This is a good and challenging exercise, which can improve your balance and coordination. Find a local group to practice together, or take a Pilates class at a local gym or community center. You can also study online or on DVD and practice at home.

2. Try yoga. Yoga is an Indian meditation technique and exercise, which can reduce your stress and anxiety (ultimately help you lose weight) and enhance your balance and coordination. Find a local group to practice together, or take a yoga class at a local gym or community center. You can also study online or on DVD and practice at home.

3. Try dancing. There are many forms of dance, such as ballet and so on. Dance is a rigorous exercise, which can effectively enhance the flexibility and coordination of your body. Find a local group to practice together, or take a dance class at a local gym or community center.

4. Do stretching exercises. Stretching should be done after warm-up or exercise, because it will help prevent muscle injury. Stretching your muscles will make you more flexible and reduce the chance of injury due to the next exercise. A basic stretching is hamstring stretching. Sit down first, spread your legs, and stretch your hand forward as far as possible. You can bend your feet that you can't reach.

Another basic stretch is the butterfly groin stretch. Sit on the ground first and pull your ankle as far as possible to your crotch. When you do this stretch, try to press your knees to the ground.

Another more basic stretch is shoulder stretch. Pull your elbow forward towards the other shoulder. When you do this, press your arm hard.

Method 7: Busy people exercise

1, you can exercise at any time. You don't need to spend a lot of time exercising every day. Any exercise is ok, so try to exercise in the "small gap" of work. You can do squats while waiting for food, or you can do plank support for one minute when you wake up in the morning. Try to find time to exercise every day, and you will find yourself more active.

2. Don't sit in the chair. If you sit in an office chair and work almost every day, you'd better change the way. Use a standing desk, or a standing desk and a treadmill, which will help you burn fat at work (even if it's not fast, the harder it is, the better for you. If this method doesn't work, try using practice balls instead of office chairs. Some studies show that if you are overweight, using these methods can help you lose more than 40 pounds every year.

3. Stop using the elevator. When you go back to your apartment or office, don't take the elevator, take the stairs. This is good, because you can climb one more floor at a time, and you will find it easier and easier. Finally, you can run upstairs and do more exercise.

4. Don't drive. If you can walk or ride a bike, try not to drive. Walking several times a week to buy food becomes an exercise. Go to work by bus, get off a few stops in advance and walk. You can also go to work by bike. If you need to drive, you can park your car far from your building. This is a good way to increase the amount of exercise in daily life.

Method 8: Beginner Program

1, walk or jog for 30 minutes. This can be done in three 10 minutes.

2. Do 30 bridge exercises. If you can, do 30 at a time. But it can also be divided into 2-3 rounds.

3. Make a flat for one minute. This obviously needs to be done several times. Stick to it as long as possible, rest for a few seconds, and then continue to do it.

4. Do 30 push-ups. If you can, do it all at once. But it can also be divided into 2-3 rounds.

5. Do a five-minute jumping exercise. If possible, do it all at once. Don't rest more than 3 times, and don't rest more than 1 minute.

Method 9: Mid-term exercise plan

1, walking or jogging 1 hour. This can be done in two and a half hours.

2. Do 50 sit-ups. If possible, do it all at once. But it can also be divided into 2-3 rounds.

3. Do a flat support for 3 minutes. This needs to be divided into several times. Hold this position as long as possible, rest for 30 seconds, and then do it again.

4. Do 50 Bobby exercises. If possible, do it all at once. But two or three rounds will do.

5. Climb the stairs 15 minutes. This can be done in 3-5 minutes.

Method 10: advanced exercise program

1, jogging or running 1 hour. This can also be done for two and a half hours.

2. Do 100 sit-ups exercises. If possible, do it all at once. But it can also be divided into 2-3 rounds.

3. Do flat support for 5 minutes. This obviously needs to be done several times. Hold this position as long as possible, rest for a minute, and then continue to do it.

4. Hold it for an hour. You need to choose the weight and position according to the muscle group you want to exercise. Divide an hour into three groups of 20 minutes each, and try to exercise different muscles in each group.

5. Jump rope for 30 minutes. This can be done in three 10 minutes.

Methods 1 1: interval training method.

1, understand what interval training is. Interval training refers to any high-intensity training for a few minutes (2-3 minutes at most), and then do no exercise or do slow exercise. Interval training is widely regarded as one of the most effective exercise therapies, because it takes less time than other methods, but it seems to have the same effect.

2. Full speed ahead. The most basic interval training is to sprint 2-3 blocks (or 400 meters), then walk back to the starting point and repeat this process. Another hairstyle is to combine this with aerobic exercise. Walk slowly for 5 minutes to warm up, then walk fast for 15 minutes, sprint for 3 blocks, walk back for 2 blocks, sprint for 3 blocks, walk back for 2 blocks (wait, 15 minutes), and then walk back to the starting point quickly to rest.

3. Apply interval exercise to the exercise you want to do. Almost any sport can be trained intermittently. Try cycling, useful, many core exercises, and so on. Try to exercise different contents at different times and make sure that all your muscle groups get exercise.

Methods 12: Exercise for the elderly.

1, increase the exercise time. You should set your exercise goal at least half an hour every day. Slowly, you can become an hour. However, this time can be divided into shorter time, scattered in a day. However, it should not be less than 10 minutes at a time. At the beginning, exercise at least two days a week. In the long run, you should be able to extend it to five days a week.

2. walk. Walking is the best exercise to enhance physical fitness. As mentioned above, research shows that the combination of high-intensity exercise and slow walking can reduce the risk of specific diseases in the elderly by 20%. You can go with your friends and family or you can go by yourself. If you want to take a walk indoors, you can take a walk in your yard or stroll around the local shopping center. You can also go for a walk outside if you like. Try to walk for at least half an hour every day and keep a certain speed that can raise your heart rate. If you don't work hard to increase your intensity, you won't get much from exercise.

3. Do balance training. As we grow older, we begin to lose our balance. This is normal. However, you need to exercise your balance ability to ensure that you can move around without hurting yourself. Do some balance training to protect yourself from injury. A good basic balance training is to try to stand on one leg. Make sure your legs take turns and put a chair beside you to prevent slipping.

4. Do collaborative training. Muscles will gradually lose their elasticity, making it difficult for you to move or stand up after falling. Do some coordinated exercises like stretching to keep your muscles elastic and make yourself safer and more independent.

5. Do physical training. Light weight, 2 pounds (or more). This will help you maintain the strength of your arms and stay independent for longer.