Private fitness program

Generally speaking, it is better to gain muscle first and then lose fat, because gaining muscle requires extra calories and will inevitably gain weight. Lose fat first and then gain muscle, and you will lose weight.

Strength training is once every other day, divided into four parts, chest and triceps brachii, back and biceps brachii, shoulders and legs. Each training is guaranteed to be within 45 minutes, and then aerobic exercise 15-20 minutes.

Chest, barbell bench press 8- 12*3-4, dumbbell bench press or bird 8- 12*3-4 (if the flat plate is pushed by barbell, the dumbbell will be pushed obliquely; On the other hand, if the barbell is tilted, the dumbbell will be flat), the crank arm of the parallel bars will reach 8- 12*3-4, and the bird on the pulley (to avoid heavy weight) will reach 8- 12*3-4. After practice, your arm should be very sore, so just do one or two little tricks to stimulate it.

Back, hard pull 12*3, sitting posture pull-down 12*4, rowing (dumbbell rowing, barbell rowing, wheel rowing) 12*4, biceps brachii only need a little stimulation.

Shoulder, Smith pushes shoulder 8- 12*3-4, dumbbell pushes 8- 12*3-4, and dumbbell lifts 12*3-4.

Legs, just squat down ~ and then lift your heels with your calves.

It is enough to do abdominal exercises 2-3 times a week. It can be arranged after strength training. Aerobic exercise can be arranged 1-2 times a week to promote lactic acid decomposition and reduce fat appropriately.