What should I do if my wrist rotator is injured during fitness? Seek effective methods, thank you!

Muscle injury generally includes accidental muscle strain, temporary muscle training strain and open-close hard injury.

24-hour accidental strain 1, massage, hot towel application, stretching, etc. And it will get more painful within a week, gradually ease after a few weeks, and feel guilty for a week. To relieve muscle soreness, most methods are stretching and stretching muscles. When stretching muscles, stimulate Golgi's golgi tendon organ of muscles, and make them produce inhibitory impulses. Stretching muscle can change the excitability of the corresponding center, block the spasm caused by excessive excitability of muscle spindle through negative stretching reflex, and improve the local tissue ischemia caused by spasm, thus improving the blood flow of muscle and promoting the recovery of damaged tissue.

Temporary muscle training strain, because after muscle training, most of the abdominal muscle bundles are strained. While supplementing protein, you can do local muscle massage after the next day.

He suffered a muscle fracture due to a knife injury and was treated in the hospital.