Zhidian fitness

Hello, your standard weight =176-105 = 71kg. After muscle gain, about 75kg will be very stylish.

1, because there are too many overweight people at present, we should start with meat endurance training, and then do a lot of aerobic exercise to reduce fat. When the fat content drops to about 17%, we will turn to muscle building training (supplemented by oxygen).

2. The order of human energy supply: sugar-fat-protein. Therefore, we should do strength training first (strengthen muscles and consume sugar in the body), and then do aerobic exercise (consume fat).

3, muscle endurance training, small weight for many times, a group of 15~20 is appropriate. Doing so can activate muscles, improve metabolic rate, accelerate fat loss, and also need to master training movements in the primary stage.

4. After losing fat, switch to muscle training, and the weight of one group 12 is appropriate. At this stage, the intensity of oxygen will be smaller, and oxygen will be added.

You can leave an email, and I will send you the specific plan and training map.

Training movements should be standardized, otherwise the target muscles will be easily injured without stimulation.