What do you want to do with the treadmill?

If you don't want your treadmill, here are some ways to deal with it:

1. Sell the treadmill: You can sell your treadmill in the second-hand market, social media or online market to get some recovery costs. If your treadmill is still intact and working normally, you can also sell it at a high price.

2. Donate treadmills: Many charitable organizations and non-profit organizations will accept donated fitness equipment. You can contact local charity organizations or community centers to find out if there is any institution that needs to accept treadmills.

3. Recycle treadmills: Some companies and institutions recycle old treadmills. You can contact some local gyms, personal fitness instructors or fitness equipment dealers to see if there is a recycling plan.

4. Scrap the treadmill: If your treadmill is damaged or doesn't work properly, you can choose to scrap it. Send the treadmill to the local garbage disposal center or sanitary landfill, or contact some recycling companies to dispose of the parts in the treadmill.

Generally speaking, the way to deal with not wanting a treadmill depends on the condition of the treadmill and your personal needs. Whether you choose to sell, donate, recycle or scrap, it is important to find the most suitable treatment method to reduce waste and environmental pollution.