How to calculate the hot water in the gym

The demand for hot water is equal to the number of users multiplied by the amount of hot water per minute per person multiplied by the bathing time per person multiplied by the peak time coefficient.

1. Number of users: The demand for hot water in the gym is directly proportional to the number of users. The amount of hot water required by each user depends on the bath time and flow rate, ranging from 8 to 10 liter per minute.

2. Bathing time: The user's bathing time in the gym will directly affect the hot water consumption, and everyone's bathing time is about 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Bathing peak time: The demand for hot water in the gym has a peak in a day, such as the morning and evening peak. During this period, the amount of hot water required by users will increase.

4. Efficiency and temperature of hot water system: The efficiency and temperature of hot water system also have an impact on the calculation of hot water consumption. The higher the efficiency of the hot water system, the more effective hot water can be provided and the amount of hot water can be saved.