I wanted to sign up for the gym, but it was in Xiaobai. What is the most important exercise to lose weight?

What is the reason why you gain weight? For example, I gained weight after childbirth, and, uh, I ate greasy food recently, walked or exercised less, gained weight, fell ill for a month, was hospitalized, and, uh, came out after half a month and found that I gained weight. If it's in the front, he can stay at home by himself. If it's postpartum, he can't get pregnant or take strenuous exercise, because the wound has not healed and he has fully recovered. Although you have been confined for a month, it feels good to be confined to the full moon. In fact, those myofascias he is generating have not yet had an account, which means that they have completely recovered. Then, you can do the first two, you can walk, um, then walk, pregnant women walk after giving birth, and then eat greasy food, you can find a little site run to run by yourself, or jog at home by yourself, which is a distance from the original jogging. In the latter case, effective weight loss must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.