Can you lose weight by running on the treadmill for an hour every day?

When running, if the forefoot touches the ground first or the whole foot touches the ground at the same time, it will cause damage to the tibia and knee joint in front of the calf, which will strongly stimulate the calf muscles and thicken the calf;

If the running posture is that the heel touches the ground as much as possible, then roll from the heel to the sole of the foot. Running in this way can reduce the pressure on the ankle and avoid injury.

When the foot touches the ground, the knee joint remains slightly curved, rather than straight, which has a buffering effect on the knee joint and can stretch the calf, but it does not stimulate the calf muscles strongly. This kind of running won't thicken the calf.

When running, we need to use all our leg muscles to jump. Among them, the anterior thigh muscles are mainly used, but the calf muscles are inevitably used. In order to avoid radish legs, you can do some stretching exercises after running to relax tight muscles.