Warm-up strategy before exercise! Be clear at a glance!

It is very necessary to warm up moderately before using equipment for fitness. Wrist, shoulder, arm, ankle, chest and back should be exercised and stretched to avoid injury due to muscle stiffness!

Wrist movement

Training methods:

1 Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and perpendicular to the ground. Bend your elbows and put your hands under your shoulders.

2 Wrist rotates clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times respectively.

Ankle movement

Action points:

Stand face forward, put your hands on the hips at both sides of your body, slowly lift the heel of one foot so that the toes touch the ground, then put it down, and repeat the above actions with the other foot.

Chest, shoulder and back movements

Action points:

Stand up straight, with your legs shoulder-width, your arms droop naturally, and your abdomen is tightened hard. Use the strength of your shoulder and back muscles to wind your arms backward 10 times, and then forward 10 times. One arm is alternately wound back and forth 10 times.

Elbow joint movement

Action points:

Stand straight to the right, clench your fist with your left hand, palm inward, bend your arm at a 90-degree angle, bend your right arm, clench your fist with your right hand and bend your left arm, and the elbow will force your forearm to extend to the center of your fist.

Back warm-up

Action points:

Stand facing the column, bend your elbows and put your hands on the column. Exhale and press forward from the fixed arm. When pressing the arm, the body posture remains unchanged and the arm cannot be separated from the post.

Bouncing movement

Action points:

Jumping ability is the comprehensive embodiment of whole body strength, running speed, reaction speed, physical coordination, flexibility and flexibility. In a narrow sense, jumping ability refers to a kind of power that the basketball and diving players burst out when their legs are extended in the take-off state, which makes the athletes' bodies move upward.