The benefits of kindergarten children practicing skipping rope


1. Exercise cardiopulmonary function

Skipping rope can accelerate the whole body blood circulation, improve the cardiopulmonary function and respiratory system function, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and metabolism; Exercise the muscles of the main parts of the body and promote the rapid growth of bones. Make people's physical strength better and better, and the body is getting better and better.

2. Exercise the left and right brains at the same time

Skipping rope requires rhythmic cooperation of limbs, which can promote the progress of baby's left brain and right brain. Exercise balance, coordination, agility, rhythm, endurance and explosiveness. Hold the rope at the same time, and the rope stimulates the thumb points; The feet constantly collide with the ground, stimulate the pituitary gland through the foot reflex zone, enhance the vitality of brain cells, and sublimate the thinking reaction ability and imagination.

3. Understand the concept of number

The baby counts while skipping rope, establishes a corresponding relationship between the counted numbers and the number of skipping rope, connects abstract numbers with actual things, and transforms abstract memories into image memories. It can help children understand the actual meaning of numbers, form the concept of numbers and improve their memory.

Burn excess fat

If the child is overweight, skipping rope can help him burn off excess fat easily. You will see the effect soon. Moreover, skipping rope does not need much space and is convenient to operate.