Fitness therapy for adrenal fatigue syndrome

Most people think that exercise is aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling and boating, which can improve the heart rate and regulate the cardiovascular system, or anaerobic exercise, such as training to build and maintain muscle strength. These are beneficial to normal healthy people, but not the best exercise type for patients with advanced adrenal fatigue syndrome. In fact, the wrong exercise plan may aggravate adrenal fatigue syndrome and easily lead to adrenal failure. Let's first discuss the reasons for this dilemma: a common misunderstanding is that adrenal fatigue syndrome is equivalent to low energy, which is related to the body's ability to resist stress, whether it is physical, psychological or emotional. In addition, because all body functions need energy, low energy is the most obvious result of patients with adrenal fatigue syndrome. This sounds logical, but fundamentally, AFS is much more complicated than this. Imagine a car running out of gas, plus the steering wheel is faulty, the accelerator pedal is out of control, and the brake pedal is intermittent. In other words, many systems that ensure the smooth running of vehicles have been destroyed and are no longer under your control. This car will have an accident sooner or later-it can't take you where you want to go. If you change these conditions into your body, you will not be far from the late stage of adrenal fatigue syndrome. Just like a car, the body needs to run smoothly, and our overall feeling and performance will be good, which means that many organs and systems need to work synchronously and harmoniously. In AFS (adrenal fatigue syndrome), the body gradually dries up and the energy becomes lower, just like a car running out of gas, we see many concurrent imbalances. Due to many hormonal dysfunctions, the situation of low energy may increase:

Hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia, can be seen as the feeling that the gasoline in the tank is not excited enough, just like the accelerator pedal is stuck in the acceleration position and the mind is confused, just like texting while driving, telling us that the physical dysfunction has exhausted the internal balance, just like the burnt brake pedal. No wonder a little stress can lead to the fitness treatment of adrenal collapse and adrenal fatigue syndrome? ShutterStock Exercise Strategy A successful adrenal recovery exercise program needs a strategy to help you regain control of your core functions. Back to the car metaphor, controlling your body is not just about filling the tank with gasoline. If the steering wheel system is not working properly, even if the fuel tank is full, you still can't get where you want to go. The goal is to completely rebalance the internal systems so that they can run smoothly and take you where you want to go. This involves the integration of body and mind, including lifestyle, exercise, diet and nutrition, as well as psychological and physiological parts. If all goes well, exercise will help strengthen the function of adrenal gland, thus improving energy.

Individuals in AFS (stage 1 and 2) in the early stage of energy and exercise may only feel tired intermittently and can recover quickly from any low-energy state. As we mentioned earlier, those who are in the late AFS (stage 3 and 4) are in a state of low energy and fatigue, which will deteriorate with time. For those patients with advanced adrenal insufficiency, it is very important to tailor a personal exercise plan and make good use of limited energy. Excessive energy consumption during exercise may lead to adrenal failure, so it is very important to properly balance the intensity, duration and frequency of exercise. Exercise makes many AFS patients feel exhausted, so most of them try to avoid exercise. However, no exercise at all is not good for your health except during adrenal failure. Some people are forced to do more things, but as a result, they consume energy and become more tired. These two methods may not be suitable, which is why we suggest that a personalized exercise plan should be made specifically for adrenal function. In order for important organs to overcome the low-energy state, we need to maintain a consistent energy flow, and any excess energy can be consumed through exercise. However, we must adjust the amount of exercise to avoid adrenaline-regulated excessive fighting or flight response. Proper and timely exercise is very beneficial to the body, otherwise it is not. In the initial stage of treating early AFS, experienced clinicians will want to conserve energy as much as possible, so the goal is not to choose exercise to increase strength, but to start from the core and use some milder and more suitable methods to increase the reserves in the body. After establishing a certain amount of reserves in the body, with the passage of time, the body can enter the anabolic state from the catabolic state, at which time the muscles begin to rebuild and strengthen. This healing stage must be completed step by step, which is a long way to avoid the common mistakes of excessive exercise in AFS recovery. A well-designed adrenal recovery exercise plan includes breathing, muscle elasticity, stretching, strength training, exercise flexibility, control and overall circulation. Among them, we should consider the stages of AFS, the remaining reserves of the body, constitution, age, metabolic problems, past medical history, injury history and so on. Like any exercise program, you must consult your personal doctor and get his consent before you start. )

Every tool in the sports toolbox has its purpose, and it must be used at the right time to get the maximum benefit. The correct procedure can make the cellular level of the body core be regarded as a whole. Remember, there is a self-repair system inside the body. Fortunately, the body has forgotten the past. These tools include:

Basic harmony and balance and adrenal respiration? Exercise. Twelve kinds of adrenal recovery exercises to enhance blood flow/oxygen delivery. The twenty-first adrenal yoga course consists of three main parts: the primary stage, with emphasis on breathing and stretching; In the intermediate stage, the emphasis is on adjustment and strengthening; Advanced stage, focusing on liquidity and control. In addition, briefly introduce general yoga, intensive yoga and aerobic exercise. In this book, we will only introduce the first two tools in detail, but the following chart shows how the phased comprehensive exercise program can help restore adrenal function and energy:

Respiratory therapy for adrenal fatigue syndrome Because breathing is an automatic function, western medical circles have not taken the time to understand its therapeutic significance, only when breathing is damaged or blocked. So most people in the west have never been told the meaning of correct breathing, let alone its healing power. Therefore, the vast majority of people are not breathing correctly, whether in normal health or weak body, which is the case with AFS. When you breathe normally, three main groups of muscles are active: intercostal muscle, abdominal muscle and diaphragm. All muscle activities in the body are carried out under the guidance of the central nervous system, such as contraction of single cells, isotonic (with normal contraction) or isometric (without normal contraction) movement, active or antagonistic muscle activities and centripetal contraction or centrifugal elongation. When it comes to the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), breathing is especially different. In other words, you can control your breathing, or if you choose not to control it, your body will take over automatically. These two systems are connected, and ANS is self-regulating and usually not controlled by the body's nervous system. For example, you can't decide for yourself to speed up or slow down your heart rate. However, you can affect the heart rate by consciously adjusting the breathing frequency, because breathing connects two nervous systems, and long-term deep breathing can slow down the heart rate.

Therefore, by consciously adjusting our breathing frequency, we can influence our ANS. Therefore, breathing provides us with an important way to enter the ANS world. This is very important because in the late stage of adrenal fatigue syndrome, the autonomic nervous system is always dysfunctional.

We discussed before can be roughly divided into:

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is responsible for the release of adrenaline and the fight-or-flight response. Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is responsible for the rest and relaxation of internal functions of the body. When we are calm, we need less air, and PNS gently contracts the smooth muscle around the trachea. However, in an emergency or when physical activity increases, SNS will relax the trachea and make the air flow easier. In order to regulate and maintain the homeostasis in the body, PNS will antagonize each other by releasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine released by SNS. Late adrenal fatigue syndrome is closely related to excessive SNS and AHS. A large number of experiments have compared type A (active and nervous) and type B (carefree and relaxed) people. They found that under various laboratory and clinical pressures, the plasma norepinephrine response of type A individuals was three times more than that of type B individuals, and the adrenaline response was four times more. These chemical conductive substances impact the body of type A individuals, making their bodies in a state of constant vigilance, which in turn leads to a series of malignant compensatory reactions, and finally leads to adrenal failure. One of the keys to adrenal recovery is to reduce SNS and enhance PNS. Adrenal breathing is very helpful at this time, because it will affect the autonomic nervous circuit, slow down the heartbeat, reduce blood pressure, and produce a feeling of calm and stability. In addition, it will calm the mind, reset the self-balance system in the body, consciously control breathing, and make us enter the autonomic nervous function, which is impossible for other systems in the body. Patients with severe adrenal insufficiency often have abnormal breathing patterns, which may lead to excessive SNS, which may lead to panic attacks and adrenal collapse. When we feel anxious or stressed, most of our breathing will become shallow or even hold our breath, but sometimes we are unconscious. Shallow breathing will also limit the intake of oxygen, further increasing the pressure on the body, thus forming a vicious circle. As we will explain in adrenal breathing exercises, holding your breath at the end of inspiration or expiration will *** SNS, so if the body is already in a state of low adrenal reserve, it will aggravate adrenal weakness. Adrenal breathing exercise is very important, because it can break this vicious circle by rebalancing ANS, so as to gently deliver more oxygen to the body, so that energy can be naturally generated without too much SNS. Proper adrenal respiration will enhance PNS function and transfer the basic rest mode of the body from sympathetic nerve to parasympathetic nerve. Remember, in eastern culture, breathing is also used for SNS. We have seen it in some types of yoga breathing, and various techniques include gradually increasing the intensity of holding your breath and frequent and rapid breathing movements (bellows breathing). Another technique is called chest breathing or striding breathing, that is, only the chest wall is used to affect breathing. When inhaling, the chest wall expands, while the abdominal wall is pulled inward to the back, and when exhaling, the abdominal wall is pushed outward. Although these breathing techniques can increase energy and energy flow, they may make patients with adrenal fatigue syndrome with low energy weaker because SNS has been fully activated. In adrenal breathing exercises, the purpose is to reduce the tension of sympathetic nerves. Therefore, we recommend limiting all breathing techniques that drive sympathetic nerves until the adrenal glands are cured or unless directed by your health care professional.

Other benefits After several weeks of continuous practice, this abdominal breathing technique will automatically strengthen the diaphragm. You will notice that under the same strength, your ability to inhale and exhale will naturally improve, usually reaching 90% or even 95% of the capacity, and it is effortless, calm and completely relaxed, without forcing you to breathe. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the muscles connecting the ribs (intercostal muscles) are passive and do not move much when the adrenal gland breathes. Therefore, when air enters and exits the lungs, your chest wall will naturally expand and contract, usually with little activity. Because there is no special need to use the chest wall to help the breathing process, you won't see any obvious ups and downs in the chest when the adrenal gland breathes. When the method is correct, the respiratory movement of the adrenal gland can help the adrenal gland recover with the help of the diaphragm:

Strengthen parasympathetic nerve, improve lymphatic circulation, so as to remove toxic metabolites, improve vital capacity, promote healthy ANS balance, improve oxygen saturation of tissues, and strengthen skeletal muscle to exercise gastrointestinal tract and internal organs (including adrenal gland) gently and rhythmically. This is one of the simplest and most effective exercises, and any patient with adrenal fatigue syndrome can do these exercises anytime and anywhere to support the recovery of adrenal gland.

Adrenal Breathing Exercise Let's start with the adrenal breathing exercise. The following is a description of each step:

Lie face up on a flat and comfortable surface, with arms and palms facing up, slightly separated from your body, legs shoulder-width apart, and loosen your clothes if necessary. Relax your body consciously and feel your weight on the floor. You can also do this breathing exercise by sitting up straight (don't bow your back, because your abdominal muscles will contract behind your body). Those who are weak in AFS and later stage should practice this breathing method from the supine position, and then you can do this exercise by sitting or standing as your body grows stronger. (If there is not enough room to take a supine position, then this breathing exercise can take a sitting position or a standing position. ) Close your eyes. You can cover your eyes with a small towel if necessary. ) the tongue is naturally relaxed, and the base of the tongue is flat, which does not hinder the airflow. It is very important to keep the spine straight. Relax your shoulders and let them relax. Please check these items before going to the next step. Exhale completely through your mouth and make a small "shout" sound. Now you can start. Close your mouth, inhale slowly and for a long time through your nose, start with 50% capacity, breathe steadily and rhythmically, and then increase the capacity to 80 according to your own ability? 90%, and don't breathe through your mouth. Imagine air entering your body through your left nostril. According to ancient legends, it is calm air. When you inhale comfortably, your stomach should expand outward. If you put your hands on your stomach, they will be pushed out. This is the way to ensure that you breathe correctly. Imagine that your body is filled with air from bottom to top, focusing on the passage of air in and out of the nasal cavity, entering through the left nostril and exhaling through the right nostril. Breathe evenly, and don't breathe hard. During the breathing exercise, there will be no obvious fluctuation in the chest wall, but the abdominal muscles must be completely relaxed. Even if they are a little tight, it means that the breathing method is not correct. The rest of the body is still except that the head moves back slightly when inhaling. Don't forget to close your eyes and relax your whole shoulder.

When inhaling, slowly count from one to four in your mind (each number is about 1? 2 seconds). At the end of inhalation, exhale spontaneously and naturally, without exertion, and inhale only with muscle activity. However, exhaling is different. With the elasticity of the gas discharged from the lungs and the structure of the ribs, the chest will become smaller and smaller. Don't hold your breath at the end of inhalation or exhalation. What we want is to relax, and the process from inhalation to exhalation and from exhalation to inhalation should be smoothly and rhythmically transformed-relaxed and smooth. The actual breathing pattern is elliptical, not circular. Even if there is no gas in or out at the end of inhalation and exhalation, if you focus on the elliptical rhythm, you can still combine inhalation and exhalation (and exhalation and inhalation) effortlessly.

Exhale completely through your nose and imagine the air coming out of your right nostril, quiet and steady. You don't need to count when you exhale. Feel the stomach slowly contracting until most (but not all) of the air is naturally discharged. Exhale is usually a little longer than inhale. Don't force you to prolong or hold your breath after exhaling, because this will activate SNS and just let your body naturally control the time and intensity of exhalation. This is a complete breath. Now take a deep breath and repeat this cycle seven times. A complete breathing exercise is eight cycles. Most people need 1 to complete it. Two minutes. The point is, when you start doing adrenal breathing, you should complete at least one complete 8-cycle breathing. Let's discuss why. First of all, when you are in a comfortable and static position, especially when you are lying on your back (supine), most motor neurons that dominate skeletal muscle will still automatically emit nerve impulses. However, with each breath, the number and frequency of nerve impulses transmitted to your muscles begin to decrease, which is an automatic physiological response of adrenal respiration. After a minute or two of breathing exercises (8 breaths in each group, 1-2 groups), the muscular nerve impulses of your hands and toes are greatly reduced, and you become more and more relaxed. Within five minutes (3-4 breaths), the pulse input of motor neurons to your limb muscles decreases, which may be close to zero if you are supine. When this effect is achieved, coupled with the rhythm of diaphragm, you will enter a deeper state of relaxation, PNS will be fully activated, and your body and mind will be in a state of complete connection. After adrenal breathing exercises, most people point out that feeling calm, peaceful, less tired and feeling "existence" again is the result of physical and mental contact. However, although seemingly contradictory, there is any obvious improvement in energy immediately after this exercise, which shows that individuals are usually overworked. Similarly, if you feel dizzy or excited after doing this breathing exercise for the first time, you should reduce the frequency and intensity of the exercise until you feel comfortable and relaxed during the whole exercise. The key to success is persistence. Most people will feel helpful within a few days, but some people may need up to 20 days or more, depending on the degree of adrenal fatigue syndrome and ANS dysfunction. People with severe sympathetic nerve deviation or poor breathing habits need longer time to see the results. Adrenal breathing is the basic skill of abdominal breathing, because this is where you can see and feel movement. When inhaling, the abdomen expands and moves forward away from the back of the body. Note: Start practicing slowly according to the above instructions, starting with 50% breathing intensity and gradually increasing to 80% if possible. The intensity of these movements is much greater than it looks. If you are a late AFS (such as stages 3C and 3D), you may not be able to adapt in the first time. If you feel short of breath, high pulse rate, strong heartbeat or fatigue, you should shorten the time of each exercise immediately and moderately. Make sure that each group does not hyperventilate, and do not hold your breath at the end of inhalation or exhalation. After each group of exercises, you should feel better, not worse. Be sure to listen to your body and remember that excessive breathing may lead to adrenal failure.

Attention! Adrenal breathing exercises can help you relax before going to bed at night, or fall asleep again when you wake up in the middle of the night. If you can't sleep, don't just lie in bed, worrying that you can't sleep or passively feeling that time has passed. Instead, you can do several groups of adrenal breathing exercises.

Suggested scheme number 1? 3 days: breathe twice a day (a group of eight breaths), once before breakfast after waking up and once before going to bed, each group is about 1? Two minutes. The fourth one? 6 days: increase to 5 breathing exercises every day: after waking up, at noon (10? 1 1AM), in the afternoon (1? 2 pm), at night (4? 5 pm) and before going to bed at night. Number seven? 9 days: Breathing exercises are carried out five times a day, but each time it is increased from one group to two groups (16 complete breaths), and each breathing exercise needs 2? Three minutes. 10? 12 days: it lasts five times a day, but each time it increases from two groups to three groups (24 complete breaths). Do you need three for each breathing exercise? Four minutes. From day 13: if you can adapt, stick to it five times a day, but increase it from three groups to five groups (40 complete breaths) each time. If you feel uncomfortable with this intensity, you can go back to three groups at a time, but keep breathing exercises five times a day. These are just general suggestions. Patients with severe adrenal fatigue syndrome may not be able to adapt to this progress. In fact, if they progress too fast, they may get worse. Therefore, they must seek professional guidance before starting. Audio CDs about adrenal respiration can be found on the DrLam website. However, adrenal breathing exercises should not be excessive. Before consulting a health care professional, we suggest not to breathe more than five groups at a time and not to practice breathing more than five times a day. Once you start doing adrenal breathing exercises, you can prepare to do advanced adrenal stretching and repair and reconstruction exercises to speed up the recovery process.

Advanced Adrenal Breathing Exercise After mastering the basic adrenal breathing, people who want to further expand their breathing ability can slightly contract the lower pectoral muscles when exhaling, further seal the chest wall and expel air. When inhaling, the scapula (posterior bone plate) contracts slightly backwards, which also helps to open the chest wall and keep the body relaxed during the whole process. Advanced breathing using abdominal and chest muscles will activate both PNS and ANS. Because of the relationship between * * *, advanced adrenal respiration is a good auxiliary form, but it can only be used properly to strengthen the adrenal gland. Too many self-directed procedures or inexperienced clinicians may lead to the deterioration of AFS and lead to adrenal failure due to improper use of this breathing method.

Book information ◎ Pictures and texts are taken from Morningstar Publishing, Michael? Lin and Doreen? Lin is the author of Farewell to Inexplicable Fatigue-Adrenal Fatigue: An Effective Therapy Proved by Clinical Practice, which makes you regain your vitality and vitality. Say goodbye to inexplicable burnout: Clinically proven effective methods to treat adrenal fatigue can make you regain energy and vitality. Are you full or tired? Do you still feel tired after drinking coffee? Feeling stressed, allergic and not interested in sex? I often complain about this and that, but I just can't find the reason ... then, you may have adrenal fatigue syndrome! Modern people are overworked, interpersonal tension, unhealthy diet and long-term life pressure, which makes the adrenal gland overworked and causes various incurable diseases that doctors are difficult to treat. The content of this book is very complete, which tells us all kinds of symptoms, causes, solutions and treatments of adrenal fatigue. Very professional and meticulous, belonging to teaching knowledge. Although there are many difficult medical terms and theories in the content, it is presented in approachable words through the translator's heart, so that readers can understand it, but the content is quite rich and needs readers' patience to study. ? For more information about the book Farewell to Inexplicable Fatigue-Adrenal Fatigue published by Morningstar, please click here.

Editor in chief //Oliver Wu