Muscle aches after fitness, what will happen if you continue to insist [2]

First of all, you need to understand why the novice muscles are sore: because the small blood vessels in the novice muscles are thin, the oxygen supply can't keep up. After a sudden increase in exercise, muscle energy can only be supplied by muscle glycogen, which cannot be broken down into glucose to supply energy to muscle. Only under anaerobic conditions can glycolysis provide power, thus producing a large amount of lactic acid, which is caused by lactic acid accumulation. It is normal that the pain will disappear after further oxidation of lactic acid. You should continue to exercise. After regular exercise, the small blood vessels in the muscles will thicken and the blood supply to the muscles will be sufficient, thus weakening or disappearing. In addition, 1), the amount of exercise should be gradually increased, and 2), as long as the muscle is not stretched beyond the limit, there will be no strain.