Can I claim compensation from the gym for kidney failure caused by fitness?

Fitness leads to renal failure, and you can claim compensation from the gym.

First of all, it is necessary to prove that there is a causal relationship between fitness behavior and damage results in the gym. According to the national Consumer Protection Law, as a business place, it should provide services that meet personal safety. If the gym fails to give necessary safety tips and take protective measures, it shall bear certain liability for the losses of consumers. As a professional fitness institution, the gym should have foresight for some common diseases that may be caused by excessive exercise, and even for the consequences of personal injury that may be caused by excessive exercise. As a gym coach, you need a nationally recognized qualification certificate. If not, it is obviously the fault of the gym. If you are a qualified coach, then the whole process of the coach working in the gym is an integral part of the gym work. In this case, the damage result of the work belongs to duty behavior, and the gym should bear a large part of the liability for compensation in this case.

(From Baidu: Find Law Network Legal Consultation)