Efficacy and Function of Zhi Dai Pill, a Famous Chinese Medicine Prescription

Zhi Dai pills

Source: Rejuvenation of All Diseases, Volume 4.

Angelica sinensis (washed with wine), Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Atractylodis Macrocephalae (reed removed), Ginseng Radix (reed removed), Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Eucommiae Cortex (fried with ginger juice), Rhizoma Cyperi (fried with vinegar), Indigo Naturalis (halved), Oyster (roasted with fire), shredded paper (fried with wine) and Radix Dipsaci (fried with wine).

The usage is fine powder, and refined honey is a pill, such as buttonwood. Take 50 capsules each time with rice soup on an empty stomach.

Indications: leucorrhea with reddish discharge, backache, dizziness, abdominal pain, lethargy, and weakness of limbs.

Abdominal pain is added and subtracted, fennel is added, and ginseng is removed; Full of boredom, add Amomum villosum and go to ginseng; Xia Yue, plus Cortex Phellodendri; Add simmered dried ginger in winter; Fat people, add ginger juice and Pinellia ternata; Thin man, stir-fried cortex phellodendri with wine.

Remind you: Zhi Dai Pill, a famous Chinese herbal medicine, comes from the Internet. Please follow the doctor's advice before use.