Don't eat or drink water immediately after high-intensity exercise. What is the reason?

After strenuous exercise, you can't add boiled water or high-concentration juice. The correct form is sports drinks. After strenuous exercise, due to a lot of perspiration, the body consumes more salt. At this time, drinking plenty of water can't supplement salt, which will continue to lead to blood night dilution, increase perspiration, destroy the metabolic balance of water and salt in the body, endanger normal physiological functions, and further aggravate dehydration. You can't eat immediately after exercise and fitness. Because many human organs of the body are actively excited after fitness exercise, correspondingly.

The digestive tract is at a disadvantage during hibernation. Eating at this time is likely to lead to indigestion and indigestion in the stomach. In the long run, it will cause certain damage to the digestive tract and affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients. It is not recommended to eat immediately after exercise and fitness. You can drink some water or sports drinks reasonably, which can reduce hunger. You can eat some fresh fruit before exercise. Fruit can supplement vitamins and water. You can also drink some honey lemonade before exercise. You don't have to eat immediately after exercise and fitness.

Especially fried foods and high-fiber ingredients, because the kinetic energy of the human body will be metabolized a lot after exercise and fitness, patients will think that they are hungry at this time, and they can eat some high-protein foods, such as raw eggs and chicken breast, which can improve the composition of human fat and muscle tissue and have the practical effect of reducing fat and increasing muscle. For exercisers with different effects, the diet before and after fitness is different. Muscle-building trainers should eat properly before exercise and fitness, and supplement some sugars and carbohydrates to ensure the continuous supply of kinetic energy.

After half an hour of exercise and fitness, muscle-building trainers must take in enough protein and appropriate sugars and carbohydrates to promote the actual effect of reducing fat and increasing muscle. Fat-reducing dieters can eat vegetables and fresh fruits with low sugar content half an hour before exercise and fitness. The diet after exercise and fitness is different from that of the muscle trainer. Eat properly after an hour or two, otherwise it will be digested and absorbed well, and it will not be easy to offset the actual effect of exercise. Meals should be supplemented with protein and a little sugar and carbohydrate, which is the standard of human kinetic energy.