How about the surrounding facilities of Changzhou Runde Peninsula Garden Community?

Address of Runde Peninsula Garden Community: Longfei East Road, Tianning District, Changzhou 150.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Cuizhu, Citizen Square, Longfei Road Jinling Road (Jubo Garden), Jubo Garden, Shi Sheng Mingmen Garden, fairview park, Fitness Road Longfei Road, Jinxiu Dongyuan, Wujin Hospital North, Longfei Road Tongjiang Road, Changzhou Health School, Wujin Hospital) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Deyi Popular Science Education, Youxue Dongfang (Cultural Square Campus), Zhongtong Driving School, Mo You Fine Arts, Bedal Education (Wanhao Campus), Green Children's Painting Art Education Center (General School), Changzhou Only Education Cuizhu Middle School, Dongyu Education Group (Only Cuizhu Campus), Changzhou Driver Safety Education School in Jiangsu Province, Education Industrial Park.

There are five major medical resources around 2km, of which Changzhou No.1 Chinese Medicine Clinic is 245m away from the community, Changzhou Wujin People's Hospital is 602m away from the community, Wujin People's Hospital-Clinic is 607m away from the community, Changzhou Stomatological Hospital Complex is 642m away from the community1653m, and Changzhou Chinese Medicine Hospital (Bell Tower Campus) is 653m away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Runde Peninsula Garden are: (Home Inn (Runde Peninsula Store), Ruihetai (Runde Store), Emma (Longfei East Road Store), Yadea (Longfei East Road Store), Yimei Supermarket (Jinling Beiyuan Store), Xinyihua Supermarket (North Ring Store), Roy Flowers, Kangxiang Guodu (Jinxiu Store) and Mr. Hua Fresh Supermarket (Jinxiu Store).

Click to see more: details of Runde Peninsula Garden Community