What sports can exercise upper limb muscles?

Strong forearm muscles are not only conducive to the perfection of bodybuilding, but also to the improvement of grip strength, support and the ability to complete various training movements, which is of great help to the strength growth of muscles in various parts of the body.

1. Lateral bending lift

Hold the dumbbell with both hands or one hand (the fist eye is forward), the upper arm is close to the body, bend the bell up to the shoulder, and slowly put it down to recover. Mainly develop forearm extensor muscles, and develop upper arm anterior muscles at the same time.

2. Forehand wrist flexion

Hold the barbell with both hands (palm down), the grip distance is shoulder width, and the upper arm is close to the body side. Bend the barbell upward, lift it to the limit, and then slowly lower it to recover. During exercise, the forearm muscles are always in a state of tension and exertion. Mainly exercise the extensor muscles of forearm and the lateral muscles of upper arm.

Step 3: Bend the wrist after holding.

Sit at the end of the stool, hold the barbell with the palms of both hands up, the grip distance is shoulder width, the forearm is attached to the enlarged leg, and the wrist is relaxed. Bend the barbell up hard until it can't bend any more. Then relax and recover. This action can put the forearm on a flat stool or hold a dumbbell in one hand. Mainly exercise forearm flexors.

4. Wrist bends behind your back

Stand, hold the barbell behind your back (palm backward), and do wrist bending. Like wrist bending, you mainly exercise forearm flexors. Many bodybuilders like to use this exercise because it can produce a feeling of forced contraction.

5. Wrist flexion on ulnar side

Open your feet back and forth, with one hand akimbo, grab one end of the combined dumbbell without the weight plate with the other hand, and the other end droops backward, relaxing your wrist. The ulnar muscle group contracts, with the wrist joint as the axis, bend the dumbbell backward and upward until the triceps brachii contracts strongly, and do it again. It mainly develops the ulnar muscle group of forearm and triceps brachii.

6. Radial wrist flexion

The preparation posture is the same as 5, but the grip is different, and the dumbbell hangs down in front. When bending, the arm should be completely straight, try to avoid elbow flexion, and borrow the strength of peptide biceps. Mainly exercise flexors.

7. Hand rotation and bending

Sitting posture: one hand holds one end of dumbbell (or dumbbell), the other hand supports it, and the forearm of the bell holder is attached to the bench or sloping board. Do the internal and external rotation of the hand. You can improve the strength and sensitivity of forearm muscles by increasing weight.

8. Bearing rope

Stand, hold the scroll in hand, forcibly roll up the suspended heavy objects, and restore them in a controlled way. Roll forward and then back. Repeat. This exercise can make the forearm muscles stronger and stronger. In addition, grasping the racket and barbell is also an effective way to develop forearm muscles.

In short, when exercising forearm muscles, no matter what method and angle are used, the forearm must be fixed in strict accordance with the action requirements and done well, so that the forearm muscles are always in a state of tension and exertion during the action. Forearm muscle exercise is usually enough once every three days. When exercising, you can choose 2-3 movements as needed, and practice three groups for each movement, and each group repeats 15-20 times. Don't be too heavy to avoid injury. Have a good exercise. . . . . .