Can skipping rope replace running?


Skipping rope instead of running is completely possible. But skipping rope and running need to follow the rules of aerobic exercise to lose weight, and aerobic exercise is also recognized as one of the healthiest exercise methods.

Therefore, whether skipping rope or running, as long as you do the following three points, you can consume more fat to provide energy for your body during exercise, so as to achieve the purpose of fitness.

1, the continuity of motion. Hold on for at least 20 minutes without interruption.

2. Exercise intensity can reach about 75% of the maximum heart rate of human body.

3. The intensity of exercise is almost uniform.

It is completely feasible to use skipping rope instead of running for fitness. When skipping rope, you don't have to consider the time, heart rate and intensity of exercise, just make sure to train a certain number of skipping ropes at a time. It is generally recommended to skip rope 3000 to 5000 times at a time. The more you jump, the better the exercise effect.