? Reasons for prolonging the life of exercise and fitness

The research results 1 1.30 were published in the online edition of Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Association.

Telomeres are longer

The researchers found that a DNA fragment at the end of chromosome in white blood cells of long-distance runners is longer than that of normal healthy adults. The length of this DNA sequence called "telomere" is related to human aging.

Emmanuel Skodarakos, a geneticist at the wistar Institute in Philadelphia, explained that telomeres are similar to the plastic heads at the ends of shoelaces. Plastic head can prevent shoelaces from wearing, while telomeres can protect chromosomes from damage.

Skoda Lacos said that cells divide constantly throughout their lives. Telomere length is shortened every time it divides. When the telomere length is too short, cells stop dividing, which means that the human body is aging.

In this study, the researchers measured the length of telomeres in white blood cells of long-distance runners and people who exercised regularly, and compared them with healthy people of the same age who never smoked but seldom exercised.

The results show that the former has a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than the latter. Moreover, the telomere length of the former is longer than that of the latter, and the telomerase activity is higher, which helps to maintain the telomere length.

Ulrich Lauffs, a professor of clinical and experimental medicine at the University of Salle, said: "This directly proves that exercise has an anti-aging effect."