What legal issues are involved in the rejection of the claim of women who take a bath in Zhejiang boys' gym?

According to article 1032 of the Civil Code, natural persons have the right to privacy. No organization or individual may infringe upon the privacy rights of others by spying, harassing, exposing or making public. Privacy is the private life of a natural person and private space, private activities and private information that others don't want to know. In this incident, if it is confirmed that Mr. Zhang was indeed seen by a female customer while taking a bath in the gym, whether the female customer intentionally or unintentionally, it violated Mr. Zhang's privacy right. At the same time, according to Article 1 198 of the Civil Code, operators in public places shall bear tort liability if they fail to fulfill their security obligations and cause damage to others. In this case, Mr. Zhang has the right to claim compensation from the gym, but whether the gym should be liable for compensation needs to be judged by combining whether the gym has fulfilled its security obligations in the actual operation process.