How do standing staff keep fit?

(1) Put your hand on the wall, bend one foot and then kick forward, and so on; Then change the other foot.

(2) Hold the wall with both hands and swing your legs back and forth alternately.

(3) Hold the edge of the counter or table, and try to squat down and vibrate.

(4) Put one foot on the table, bend forward, try to make the upper body close to the thigh, and do leg press exercise.

(5) Open your feet, shoulder width apart, bend your upper body downward, and try to touch the ground with your fingers while your legs are straight.

(6) Open your feet, shoulder width apart, and swing your arms horizontally left and right to drive your waist to twist left and right.

No matter what kind of work, as long as we exercise in time and anywhere after work, it is very beneficial to our health.