What's the beat of spinning bike?

Spinning cycle rhythm is divided into five stages, which are warm-up-normal riding-climbing-downhill-sprint.

Attention should be paid to the following items when cycling:

It is ineffective and unsafe to lift weights on the bike with the weight-bearing equipment. It is most effective to train the weight of exercise muscles in a stable state. Riding a bicycle with one hand or both hands open may cause serious injury when standing or jumping; When climbing in a sitting position, it will cause uneven stress on the waist.

When riding a bike, the toes are facing down, which will cause inflammation of joints and numbness of feet. When pedaling, your feet should be parallel to the ground and placed in the center of the pedal. Stepping without resistance at all is a waste of exercise time, and stepping without resistance at high speed will also cause sports injuries.

Stepping backward will loosen the pedal, which may cause injury when the pedal falls off. Studies have proved that backward and forward use the same muscle group and consume the same calories, so backward has no advantage. Taking a prone position while sitting may lead to excessive bending of the hip joint and spine, thus causing low back pain. When you need to look up, this lying position is easy to cause neck strain.

Put your feet on the handlebar and stretch. Maybe most people don't have enough flexibility to stretch their feet on the handlebars.