How to store shoes efficiently in university dormitories?

There are too many shoes in the dormitory. In fact, we need to make some efforts together to have a good dormitory environment.

Next, we will introduce several common ways to arrange and store shoes. You can choose the right one according to your own situation.

First, take out all the shoes.

First of all, take out all the shoes, tidy them up, and sort out what you usually wear and what you don't wear often. What you wear often is put outside, and what you don't wear often needs to be put away

Second, shoes storage box

Choose a transparent or paper shoe storage box, so you can store shoes, fold them up and put them under the bed and in the corner.

Shoe storage box capable of being placed in bathroom

The shoe storage bag can store clean shoes, so you can put them in the suitcase or closet. You should be able to take it directly when you go out, which will save space.