How to lose weight with different weight bases?

How to lose weight with different weight bases?

The greater the body weight (BMIz28), the more calories the body needs. It is suggested that diet adjustment+exercise should be combined.

Diet: to control the daily calorie intake, it is suggested to reduce about 500~ 1200 calories than usual.

Exercise: reduce the running and jumping exercise that puts great pressure on the knees. It is recommended to walk, swim and ride a bike.

The medium foundation (24≤BMl28) suggests strict control of diet and fat burning exercise to avoid further weight gain.

Diet: Eat less foods with high calorie and low nutrition, especially snacks such as potato chips and cola, and control each meal for 7 minutes to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. Exercise: Focus on high fat burning efficiency and weight-bearing training to avoid muscle loss due to weight loss.

A small base (18.5≤BMl24) will be much looser in diet and exercise.

Diet: Increase the intake ratio of protein, replace refined carbohydrates with coarse grains, and keep a regular diet.

Exercise: Do more anaerobic exercise, increase muscles, smooth muscle lines and tighten muscles.

Ultra-small base (BMl 18.5) does not have much body fat, but it usually has posture problems, so it is suggested to give priority to shaping. On the basis of maintaining the existing diet, you can improve your body defects, such as flat hips and shoulders, local shaping or strength training.

It is recommended to exercise 4~5 times a week, each time 1 hour.