Functional zoning, line of sight analysis, streamline analysis, terrain analysis, physical environment analysis, planting design, planting construction, what are they like?

Well, landscape design needs to explain the design concept, design ideas and analyze the overall design scheme to the owner.

The function zoning map is obviously to express the general idea and layout of the design, design the whole building planning or park into a landscape with obvious themes, and then give it four or five regional themes, and combine several regions to express the theme, such as the park: entrance area, sports area, leisure area, business area, fitness area and so on.

Line of sight analysis map, set the main landscape nodes in a particularly eye-catching position to guide people's line of sight according to the road and terrain. In order to make the owner understand, we need to make a line-of-sight analysis diagram.

Topographic analysis map, which is about the size of the terrain, geographical location, land humidity, height difference and so on. This is usually done in the preliminary design or construction drawing design, and we only need to analyze the design overview for the scheme design.

Physical environment analysis diagram, I do very little, basically related to water supply and drainage.

Planting design is professional, which is related to geography, climate, topography and people flow, and also has a great connection with the theme of your design, such as whether the purpose of design is ecology, sightseeing, sports or exhibition. It's hard to say. Look at the construction drawings more. It takes a long time to understand.

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